The Dero are small, vicious underground folk who use ambush and poisons to take down bigger opponents.
Pick a pod from the list below, read the general tactics, then read the specific tactics for that pod.
L1 Pod - 1 Dero Stalker + 3 Flash Beetles (120xp)
L1 Pod - 1 Dero Strangler + 1 Hidden Pit Trap (86xp)
L2 Pod - 1 Dero Strangler + 1 Dero Stalker (100xp)
L3 Pod - 1 Dero Strangler + 1 Dero Stalker + 1 Slurk (100xp)
L4 Pod - 2 Dero Stranglers + 2 Dero Stalkers (100xp)
L5 Pod - 1 Dero Magister + 2 Dero Stranglers + 2 Dero Stalkers (110xp)
General Tactics
Dero never fight in the sunlight as it actively hurts them. To use their darkvision effectively, have them fight either in the darkness of the underground or during the darkness of a moonless night. With their high stealth scores, they should ideally be hiding in ambush before combat starts. They can hide behind low cover like a stalagmite, or in bushes, or just around a corner.
Have them use lures to draw PCs (Player Characters) into their ambush. Or use traps / hazards to put the PCs in a compromising position before springing an attack.
The Dero should also have escape path for themselves if their ambush turns against them. Because of their low move speed, they either lay down traps along their escape route or the escape route has a passage that only small creatures can squeeze through.
Level 1: 1 Dero Stalker + 3 Flash Beetles (120xp)
AoN Links: Giant Centipede Venom
The Dero Stalker hides in ambush. One or more Flash Beetles draw the PCs in towards the ambush spot, roughly 35-40ft away from the stalker. The beetles are perfectly trained and work in harmony with the stalker without needed to be commanded.
Once a PC arrives at the ambush spot, the Stalker fires off a crossbow bolt loaded with giant centipede venom and then ducks back into cover. Strike > Reload > Hide or Take Cover.
The Flash Beetles use their Light Flash ability to dazzle as many of the PCs as they can. Once their Light Flash is exhausted, they use their mandibles to bite the PC being targeted by the stalker. They are not smart enough to use flanking on purpose, but their attack bonus makes up for it.
If the Dero is bloodied (brought to half hit points) or if all three flash beetles are killed, the Dero should reassess the situation. If none of the PCs are knocked out yet, the Dero should try to escape.
Easy to forget
Stalker's Sneak Attack against flat-footed targets.
Stalker's Nimble Dodge reaction to increase its AC.
The DC 5 flat checks that Dazzled creatures need to make when targeting.
3 Players - remove two Flash Beetles.
5 Players - add one Flash Beetle.
6 Players - add one Flash Beetle and run the Elite version of Dero Stalker.
Level 1: 1 Dero Strangler + 1 Hidden Pit Trap (86xp)
AoN Links: Lethargy Poison
This pod works best in a 10ft wide hallway so that the pit trap completely blocks movement forward. If the hallway is wider, it's still okay to make the pit trap as wide as the hallway without increasing other dimensions of the trap.
The Strangler is more powerful than the Stalker. The Strangler hides behind cover, ideally about 35-40ft away from the pit trap. If any PC falls into the pit trap - even if they grab an edge - the Strangler springs into action. Strangler may also decide to spring the ambush when the party is split on either side of the trap.
They cast the Darkness spell on their location and use their third action to fire a poisoned crossbow bolt against the least armoured looking target within 60ft.
If any enemies approach their melee range in the darkness, they drops the crossbow, draw out the Aklys and use Strangle. If the Strangle succeeds, they attack the grabbed PC with the Aklys. Otherwise they repeat the Strangle attempt.
If three or more PCs are gathered in a 10ft burst area, the Strangler casts Sound Burst on them.
When reduced to under 20hp, the Strangler attempts to escape.
Easy to forget
DC 11 flat check to target the Strangler while in the Darkness, unless the PC has darkvision.
The Strangler's grab automatically ends at the end of its next turn, unless it uses it successfully again.
3 Players - Use the Weak version of the Strangler.
5 Players - Add one Flash Beetle.
6 Players - Use the Elite version of the Strangler.
Level 2: 1 Dero Strangler + 1 Dero Stalker (100xp)
AoN Links: Lethargy Poison Giant Centipede Venom
The Strangler and the Stalker both hide close to each other in ambush. When the ambush is sprung, the Strangler casts Darkness on their location. Then the Strangler and Stalker both use their poisoned crossbow bolts against the party.
If a PC approaches them in the Darkness, the Strangler attempts to Strangle the PC followed by Akly attacks against a grabbed PC. The Stalker focuses the grabbed target with its crossbow.
If either Dero dies and the other one is bloodied (under half hit points), the still alive Dero attempts to escape.
Easy to forget
The two different poisons on each crossbow bolt.
DC 11 flat checks to target the Dero in the darkness, unless the PC has darkvision.
Stalker's sneak attacks against flat-footed targets.
Stalker's Nimble Dodge ability to increase its AC with a reaction.
The Strangler's grab automatically ends at the end of its next turn, unless it uses it successfully again.
3 Players - Use the Weak version of the Strangler.
5 Players - Use the Elite version of Dero Stalker.
6 Players - Use the Elite version of the Strangler.
Level 3: 1 Dero Strangler + 1 Dero Stalkers + 1 Slurk (100xp)
Everything is the same as the above Level 2 pod, with the addition of the Slurk. The Slurk acts as a lure and also as a hazard generator to slow down the party.
In a narrow passage, the Slurk uses Belly Grease to slow down the PCs. In bigger areas, it uses slime squirt to slow down PCs.
All other tactics follow the Level 2 pod.
Level 4: 2 Dero Stranglers + 2 Dero Stalkers (100xp)
This is much the same as running two Level 2 pods. The difference is that both pods should be more than 40ft but less than 60ft away from each other. For example, if the two pods hide on opposite sides of a trail or road.
For added challenge, make the ground difficult terrain so the PCs have trouble going from one pod of the Dero to the other. The challenge can also be tuned up if all four Dero focus their crossbow attacks on one PC. Or the challenge can be tuned down by spreading the attacks out.
All other tactics follow the Level 2 pod.
Easy to forget
Failing the save against a new application of a poison that is already afflicting you causes the affliction to go up a stage.
Level 5: 1 Dero Magister + 2 Dero Stranglers + 2 Dero Stalkers (110xp)
AoN Links: Lethargy Poison Giant Centipede Venom
The ultimate Dero encounter. This may be an ambush or an assassination attempt. This may also be the final battle in the Dero's own home base.
The tactics are different for the Level 5 pod compared to all the others. In this pod, everyone except the Magister focus their attacks on one PC, while the Magister stands 20 to 30ft away.
One Strangler casts Darkness around the target PC and trips them, while the other Strangles them. Both the Stalkers focus their poisoned bolts on the grabbed target.
Meanwhile, the Magister casts Blindness on any other PC followed by using Cytillesh Stare on any PC that can still see the Magister.
If a party member gets close to the Magister, the Magister uses Cytillesh Stare and Vampiric Touch on the PC. If the Magister runs out of 3rd level spell slots and is not being threatened in melee, they use Phantom Pain on the lowest health PC, followed by Cytillesh Stare.
If this pod is engaged in an assassination attempt, the Magister casts Magic Missile on the assassination target if the target is at 0 hit points.
The Dero fight to the death while the Magister is still alive. If at least three Dero including the Magister have been killed, the remaining flee.
Easy to forget
DC 11 flat checks to target the Dero in the darkness, unless the PC has darkvision.
Stalker's sneak attacks against flat-footed targets.
Stalker's Nimble Dodge ability to increase its AC with a reaction.
The Strangler's grab automatically ends at the end of its next turn, unless it uses it successfully again.
Failing the save against a new application of a poison that is already afflicting you causes the affliction to go up a stage.
When casting a spell, read its traits carefully.
3 Players - Don't focus the Deros' attacks on just one person. Spread out the damage. The Magister switches to using Chill Touch after blinding one PC.
5 Players - Use the Elite version of Dero Stalker.
6 Players - Use the Elite version of Dero Stalker and also the Elite version of the Strangler.
Miscellaneous Thoughts
"What about the Aklys??" Given how much space the Aklys occupies in the Dero's description in the Bestiary, you would be forgiven for thinking that it would be the Dero's primary mode of attack. But really the Aklys is only useful when multiple Dero Stranglers of lower level than the party are swarming the PCs.
The Stalker does not even have training in Athletics so the ranged trip of the Aklys is useless in their hands. The bonus 2 points of damage from the ranged attack may be useful, but it is likely better for them to maintain greater distance from the PCs and shoot them with poisoned crossbow bolts.
The Strangler can make better use of the Aklys, though when the PCs are lower level than the Strangler then damage is more efficient than trip attempts.
"What about darkvision?" These pods become increasingly easier the more PCs have darkvision in the party. If everyone in the party has darkvision, skip casting Darkness and instead bring two Flash Beetles to attempt to dazzle the party instead.
"Why start with the Dero?" I was perusing the Bestiary and couldn't quite figure them out at first glance. It took additional re-reading as well as running a couple of Dero encounters for their design to click. Orcs are certainly more trendy right now, but I think the Dero benefit more from an understanding of tactics.
Closing Questions for the Reader
Has this been helpful? What would make this better? A map with tokens? A foundry importable module? A pathbuilder encounter?
Also, what monster(s) would you like me to tackle in the near future?
If you have gotten this far, thank you for your interest.
Until next time, happy gaming!
- Utkarsh on Mastadon
@AvtrSpirit on Twitter
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