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Orc Pods, L1-3

Orcs in PF2e follow the standard soldier archetype. Unlike the previous two monster pods (Dero and Goblin), there aren't many pitfalls in using the abilities of the orcs. Still, they have a couple of unusual traits that make them fun to run. Three orc pods are presented here, one for each level from 1 to 3.


General Tactics

Their key trait is Ferocity. Because they can ignore going unconscious with a reaction, they have much more effective HP than what is listed. But since it uses their reaction, clever players will damage the same orc before it can regain its reaction.

So how can the GM get the most uses of Ferocity? By reducing the number of hits an Orc takes per round. One way to do this is to divide up the battlefield into multiple duels. A PC engaged in melee with an Orc is unlikely to leave its position to go and attack another Orc that has already used its Ferocity reaction.

This tactic only gets better when Attack of Opportunity is in play.

Ferocity also makes Orcs good against heavy-hitters that rely on a single strike per turn, such as the Magus or a Fighter with Double Slice. On the flip side, it allows those classes to shine who do small amounts of damage more frequently - such as a caster with magic missile or an alchemist with bombs.

In terms of environment, note that Orcs have Darkvision. Fighting them at night or in dark caverns benefits them more than the party.

All orcs have javelins but it takes an action to draw one out. However, if Orcs are actively hunting or aware of danger before combat begins, they have one javelin already drawn in their off-hand while they hold their melee weapon in the other hand. This gives them a ranged option before they can close the gap to their enemies.

Level 1: 1 Orc Warrior + 2 Orc Brute (100xp)

Each Brute picks a non-martial PC to duel while the Warrior targets the melee martial PC. Use Attack of Opportunity to discourage the melee martial PC from going to help their allies.

Easy to forget

Ferocity and Attack of Opportunity.
Extra damage from Forceful trait and bonus to attack roll from Sweep trait.


3 Players - remove one Orc Brute.
5 Players - add one Orc Warrior.
6 Players - add one Orc Warrior and one Orc Brute.

Level 2: 4 Orc Warriors (120xp)

Each Warrior engages a PC in a duel. Avoid engaging multiple melee-attacking PCs with the same Orc. But it's okay to engage multiple casters or ranged attackers with the same Orc to make use of the Sweep trait.

If a PC is well armoured, then attempt to trip them instead of attacking them with a weapon. Remember that standing up provokes Attack of Opportunity.

Easy to forget

Ferocity and Attack of Opportunity.
Extra damage from Forceful trait and bonus to attack roll from Sweep trait.


3 Players - remove one Orc Warrior.
5 Players - add one Orc Warrior.
6 Players - add two Orc Warriors.

Level 3: 1 Orc Warchief + 2 Boars + 2 Orc Warriors (130xp)

The Orc Warchief always uses Battle Cry while at least one of their orc allies are up. This is followed by either movement or a Demoralize attempt or a Trip attempt. The last action is the weapon attack.

The boars are trained to make use of their Boar Charge feature every turn, switching targets as necessary. Other than that, they have no sense of tactics and can't follow precise orders. To ease up on the combat difficulty, have each boar run away after using its Ferocity trait for the first time.

The Orc Warriors each pick a non-martial PC and duel them.

Easy to forget

Ferocity and Attack of Opportunity.
Battle Cry only affects orcs, not boars.
Extra damage from Forceful trait and bonus to attack roll from Sweep trait.


3 Players - remove one Boar.
5 Players - add one Orc Warrior.
6 Players - add one Orc Warrior and use the Elite version of the Orc Warchief.

And that's it for the orc pods. They are not flashy, but if run correctly they can be a strong and solid frontline.

Until next time, happy gaming!

- Utkarsh on Mastadon

@AvtrSpirit on Twitter


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